

Welcome to my blog. I write about anything that interests me.

Theme for 2019 - Review

My theme for 2019 was this: year of creation over consumption.

It's been more than a year since I started writing in 200WaD. I have written up to 250 posts here. It is close to 100,000 words. I also wrote quite a lot at I wrote up to 100 posts there. Again close to 75,000 words. I even published a newsletter and shipped close to 10 issues. That must be around 5000 words.

Just to put it in perspective: Not even in my wildest dream, I would have thunk that I would have written 1.8L words in 2019.

Maybe, 1% of those words, 1800 words, would be worth remembering or sharing forever to my audience.

Another insight I had in this year: I am not a photo or video guy. I don't feel natural or at ease with Instagram or TikTok or YouTube. It is not that I cannot share anything there. I am not like my best in Instagram by sharing photos in posts or stories. I have seen many people who put a ton of work and adopt it like a fish in water, but I am not that person. I want to be on YouTube, making and sharing videos about topics interesting to me. But that is not an immediate goal.

I feel Twitter is my ideal network of choice. My strength is in words. I feel comfortable sharing things in text and words. I am at peace with it. So I want to focus only on Twitter and Facebook in 2020.

I am still ruminating the theme for the next year. I still have three more weeks to finalise that. But I am quite happy with my progress in 2019.

Just a habit and group of like-minded people motivating you can have a lasting impact in your life. I will always be thankful for the 200WaD community for motivating me in writing around 180,000 words in 2019.

Thanks to everyone who read my posts, wrote comments and engaged with me. Your actions mean a lot to me. Thanks again 🙏.

Steve Blank in Starting Greatness podcast

Hotel Mumbai