Santhosh Guru

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Power of Curation

A consistent theme in my writing 200 words a day is Abundance vs Scarcity.

My initial hesitation in 200 words a day and in general writing online, is to find the topics of interest. To write in a motivated manner, I thought I need to write original or thought-provoking pieces. Even though I didn't even venture towards that. I used to believe that my content is subpar and quality can be better. I still think that quality can be better, but I don't consider it as subpar.

Because the benefit of writing consistently bring some rigour and a flow. I believe that it will improve over time. It will improve if I make a conscious effort to get better at this craft. In short, the quantity trumps quality. The more I write, I start to recognise a pattern of where I go wrong and what works. That is a huge win.

To write in huge quantity, the best approach is to curate. I am planning of experimenting that strategy in the next coming days. There are books, long-form articles or podcasts in my areas of interest. I listen and read quite consistently every day. By curating the highlights from the book or the key passages or ideas of a long-form article, the most interesting sections of a podcast. I love the service like Podcast Notes. Like they focus on a few specific podcasts, I want to do the same for my favourite books, articles and podcasts.

Personally, benefits for me, are: I get to learn about the topic better by writing about it. When I try to curate, I try to understand it better. Now, these are the hypotheses with which I am approaching this experiment.

What is your opinion on this? Do you think I am missing something obvious? What are my blind spots?