Santhosh Guru

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Mindset by Carol Dweck

Three years ago, I came across this little book, Mindset written by Carol Dweck. I think it was recommended by Bill Gates as one of the best books he read in the summer. The book argues that our mind is very plastic. By choosing to adopt a growth mindset, we can learn and thrive in life, instead of beating ourselves up with a fixed mindset. 

In many ways, it was a compelling read. I was reading about parenting, and this gave me a good insight into how we can keep the mind flexible. We need not worry much about in-born qualities or "naturally gifted or skilled" things, because with the right mindset and right effort, you can become better at any craft. After reading this book, I bumped in the book on Grit by Angela Duckworth and Peak by Anders Ericsson. It formed a package for me: With the right growth mindset and grit, you can be master on anything you want. With deliberate practice and the right coach, you can accelerate learning. 

In the book Refresh, the Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella showers a lot of praise about this book. Satya goes on to say that "growth mindset" is now imbibed in the vocabulary of Microsoft and quotes this as one of the reasons for its turnover. 

Today I was listening to the podcast of Dr Barbara Oakley, the creator of the world's most popular MOOC, Learning How To Learn. She is quite skeptical about some of the claims of Carol Dweck. There is also a lot of nuanced and detailed pushback. Barbara argues for a very nuanced approach for learning, which is backed by research. 

I am actually thankful to Carol Dweck for introducing me to this rabbit hole. Yes, her theory needs to be proved and validated. But it opened up a floodgate of books and articles that eventually routed me to the MOOC, LHTL. So I am thankful for that, I will wait for the researchers and scientist community to pass the verdict on Carol's work.