Santhosh Guru

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Paul Graham of YCombinator

There is a portion, Chaos Monkeys written by Antonio Garcia Martinez, about a problem his startup was facing. A threat from a big company (I think it is Microsoft or someone else) to an upstart like him. He goes to PG (Paul Graham) and Sam Altman of Y Combinator for help. After some rumination, PG extends his support to Antonio, by pushing back to the big company, that if they continue to do threaten, they will be banned from all the future demo days of Y Combinator. YC is such a powerful entity in Silicon Valley; the big shots might miss out the next billion dollar opportunity by antagonising YC or not being part of their demo days.

My respect for PG and Sam went through the roof after reading this. How many of the investors in any part of the world would do this kind of act? Everybody is in for the money, right? So, why to put your feet down for something that you will worth it. This is where the character and the values of the people matter.

My introduction to PG happened through a book, Founders at Work, written by his wife, Jessica Livingston. Five years since I read it, it has been a huge inspiration in understanding why people start up a venture. YC gave a how-to guide, blueprint for anything related to startup. IMO, if Charlie Munger is a saint like a figure in finance and investing, Paul Graham is an equivalent for him in Silicon Valley.

Key Lessons I have learnt from PG: